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Article reference: FS-FBS-20160714-I01
Last revision: 11 July 2019
Version: 1.3

Ferro Backup System launch on QNAP NAS

This article presents installation and setup procedure of backup server and client directly on QNAP NAS

Ferro Backup System on QNAP NAS


  • QNAP NAS server powered by x86-64 CPU (Intel or AMD; not ARM)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • System QNAP QTS 4.2 or higher
  • Ferro Backup System 5.1 or higher


Before beginning of Ferro Backup System installation process on QNAP NAS (hereinafter referred to as: host) install QNAP Container Station application. The procedure is described at the device producer's website in the How to use Container Station article.

See video: How to instal backup server on QNAP NAS

1. Image download

Log in to QNAP server control console, select Container Station -> Create Container tab, enter "ferro backup" in the search field, press Enter and click Install.

Downloading Docker image - Ferro Backup System

NoteIf it's not possible to download container image via QNAP control console, after logging in to NAS server through SSH to admin account, execute command below:
docker pull ferro/backupsystem

2. Container creation

After clicking Install button Create container window will be displayed.

Creating Docker container - Ferro Backup System

Fill in all the fields indicated below. There are additional information in brackets (you don't have to rewrite it). For other, not mentioned fields, leave the default values.

a) Server installation - if NAS server NAS will be used as backup server:
Name: FBSServer (any name)
Command: FBS_Server (it has to be exactly like that; it's case sensitive)

Advanced settings >> Network
  Network mode: Host

Advanced settings >> Shared Folders
  Volume from host: /Public/fbs (if such directory doesn't exist, create it)
  Mount Point: /fbs (it has to be exactly like that; it's case sensitive)

Backup server installation notes:
  • In order to connect the FBS Server control console, open the internet browser and type IP address of the host and 4530 port, e.g.:
  • To store archives outside container, go to Settings -> Basic tab in Ferro Backup System - Server control panel and change path in Main Backup Location field to:
    That setting enables access to archives from the host in the "/Public/fbs" shared directory or via Network Neighbourhood "\\YOUR_HOST_IP\Public\fbs"

b) Client installation - when files from the NAS should be accessible for other backup server:
Name: FBSWorker (any name)
Command: FBS_Worker (it has to be exactly like that; it's case sensitive)

Advanced settings >> Shared Folders
  Volume from host: /Public/fbs (if such directory doesn't exist, create it)
  Mount Point: /fbs (it has to be exactly like that; it's case sensitive)

  Volume from host: /Public (or any other folder from host)
  Mount Point: /host (any name)

Client installation notes:
  • To configure or modify target backup server, open "/Public/fbs/app/FBSWorker.ini" file in text editor and enter the IP address or server network name in the "HOST" line, e.g.:
    After saving changes and restarting the container, FBS Worker automatically connects to the specified backup server.
  • Above-mentioned "Volume from host" can be backed up by using Z:\host folder or subfolder

3. Launching the container

Go to Container Station -> Containers tab, select created container and choose Start action. During first container launch, the latest Ferro Backup System version will be downloaded and installed.

You can track installation progress in Console window

Application is installed on NAS drive, in shared directory "/Public/fbs/app". The content of this directory can be browsed via QNAP File Station or Network Neighbourhood "\\NAS_SERVER_ADDRESS\Public\fbs\app".

Ferro Backup System launched on NAS QNAP server

Ferro Backup System launched on QNAP server

See also

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Setup backup server on QNAP NAS
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